Tomato Beef Noodles Soup

Nothing is better than going home to family and eating good food, and relaxing. Obviously, Tomato Beef Noodles Soup is the best choice.


Tomato Beef Noodles Soup

Chopped onion
Sliced garlic
Light soy sauce1 tbsp
Oyster sauce1 tbsp
Ketchup1 tbsp
Pepper1 tbsp
SaltA little bit

1. Remove the stem and cut a shallow X on the bottom of the tomato. This will make peeling much easier. 

2. Place a pot of plain water on the stove and bring it to a boil. Then pour the boiled water to the tomatoes.

3. Remove them after 30 seconds, or when the skin begins to peel back, and place them into the bowl of ice water/ or leave them to room temperation.

For the ice water method:

Let the tomatoes sit in the ice bath for 5 minutes or until you see the peels shrivel and start to peel off.

Once the tomatoes have chilled, remove them from the ice water. The tomatoes should still be very firm, with the skin wrinkled and coming off the flesh.

Peel the skins off with your hands.

4. Cut into small pieces

5. Blanch the beef and take it out for later use.

6. Oil the pan and fry the chopped onion and sliced garlic.

7. Add the tomatoes.

8. Press out the tomato juice.

9. Pour half glass of water to the tomatoes.

10. Now we season this soup. We add light soy sauce, oyster oil, ketchup, pepper, and a little salt in order.

11. Then, cook the noodles.

12. At last, we can add fried egg, beef and cooked vegetables to decorateb dishes.

Tomato Beef Noodles Soup Recipe


Why do we boil tomatoes?

Cooking tomatoes — such as in spaghetti sauce — makes the fruit heart-healthier and boosts its cancer-fighting ability. All this, despite a loss of vitamin C during the cooking process, say Cornell food scientists. The reason: cooking substantially raises the levels of beneficial compounds called phytochemicals.

How long should you boil eggs?

Place eggs in a medium pot and cover with cold water by 1 inch. Bring to a boil, then cover the pot and turn the heat off. Let the eggs cook, covered, for 9 to 12 minutes, depending on your desired done-ness (see photo). Transfer the eggs to a bowl of ice water and chill for 14 minutes.


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