Purple potato cheese strips

Purple Potato Cheese Strips

What is the benefits of purple sweet potato?
Sweet potatoes are a rich source of fibre as well as containing an array of vitamins and minerals including iron, calcium, selenium, and they’re a good source of most of our B vitamins and vitamin C.

Purple Sweet Potato Cake layer

Egg yolk3
Egg white3
Corn oil / vegetable oil35g

Purple sweet potato cream cheese layer

Cream cheese130
Viscous yogurt.100
Whipping cream100
Purple sweet potato powder5
Corn starch5

1. Separate three egg whites in a small bowl.

2. Pour 60g of milk and 35g of corn oil in another bowl.

3. Whisk them gently Until they emulsify

4. Sift 60g of cake flour and 5g of purple sweet potato powder in the bowl (milk + oil)

5. Whisk them well.

6. Add the egg yolk we just prepared.

7. Z-shaped stir evenly

8. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg white

9. Add sugar to egg whites before whisking.

10. Add sugar after the big bubbles are formed.

11. Combine the egg white / meringue and purple egg yolk paste evenly

12. Pour the batter into the greased baking pan. Shake it lightly to distribute the cake batter evenly. 150°C 15 minutes.

13. Prepare 130g of cream cheese and 40g of sugar. Don’t forget to left the cream cheese to room temperature.

14. Water bath the cream cheese batter then stir it until the all sugar is disloved and the batter is smooth (Put the bowl which contain cream cheese and sugar above the hot water). Add 100g of viscous yogurt.

15. Beat an egg and add in several times to the cream cheese batter.

16. Prepare 100g of whipping cream and 5g of purple sweet potato powder.

17. Mix them well. After that, add the purple whipping cream to the cream cheese batter that we just made.

18. Add 5g of corn starch then sift it.

19. Put the purple cake we baked before in a square cake mould.

20. Pour the cream cheese batter.

21. Wrap the cake mold with tin foil and add water to the baking tray. 150°C 45 minutes.

22. NOTE!!! After baking, it is recommended to refrigerate the baked cheesecake overnight to taste better~

23. Sprinkle some purple sweet potato powder on the cake before serving.

purple sweet potato cheese strips


What is the benefits of sweet potato?

Sweet potatoes are a rich source of fibre as well as containing an array of vitamins and minerals including iron, calcium, selenium, and they’re a good source of most of our B vitamins and vitamin C.


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