Japanese Cheese Triangle Rice Ball

Japanese Cheese Triangle Rice Ball Recipe

Onigiri / Japanese triangle rice ball is typically eaten cold or at room temperature, but it can be quickly grilled and served hot (known as yaki onigiri).

Triangle rice ball

Ham sausage
Black pepper
Chili powder
Sesame oil
White sesame

Teriyaki sauce

Soy sauce2
Oyster sauce1

1. Cut cabbage, carrots, ham sausage into small cubes.

2. Put the cabbages, carrots and ham sausage to half bowl of rice. Then add black pepper, chilli powder, sesame oil and white sesame.

3. Grab and mix evenly with your hands

4. Put the right amount of rice into a small bowl covered with plastic wrap.

5. Add the shredded parmesan cheese.

6. Wrap it up and squeeze it into a small triangle shape

7. It’s time to make teriyaki sauce.

8. Add soy sauce, oyster sauce, ketchup and honey in a small bowl. Use a spoon to mix them weel.

9. Oil the pan and put the rice balls. Brush with teriyaki sauce

10. Fry on both sides, and fry until golden brown.

japanese rice ball


Why are Japanese rice balls triangle?

Onigiris actually come in four different shapes but the triangle is the most common. Legend has it that travellers moulded rice balls into the shape of a mountain as a way of asking for protection from kami (spirits), which were believed by Shintoists to live within every element in nature.

How do you shape a triangle in onigiri?

Hand-made Onigiri:

Spread a palmful (or less, depending on how big you want the onigiri to be) of warm sushi rice into one hand. Place the filling in the center. Fold up the rice around the filling and pack the rice tightly with both hands into a triangular shape. Continue as above.


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